Sunday, May 24, 2020

Pronouncing the Difficult Consonants of Spanish

While many of the Spanish consonants have sounds that are similar to those in English, many are distinctly different and have become the bane of many a Spanish student. Persons learning Spanish who see a familiar letter are tempted to give it the pronunciation they already know—but more often than not that wont get it exactly right. Even though Spanish is highly phonetic, some letters have more than one pronunciation, and still others are simply different than what might be expected. Consonants With More Than One Sound C, at least in most of Latin America, is pronounced like the c in cereal when it comes before an e or an i, and like the c in car when it is other positions. Examples: complacer, hacer, à ¡cido, carro, acabar, crimen. Note: Although you will be understood if you use the Latin American pronunciation, in parts of Spain the c sounds like the th in thin when it comes before an e or i. Learn more details in the lesson on pronouncing the C. D generally is pronounced somewhat like the d in diet, although often the tongue touches the bottom of the teeth instead of the top. But when d comes between vowels, it has a much softer sound, kind of like the th in that. Examples: derecho, helado, diablo. See our lesson on pronouncing the  D for more details. G is pronounced much like the English g in go, although softer, except when it precedes an i or e. In those cases, it is pronounced like the Spanish j. Examples: gordo, gritar, gigante, mà ¡gico. See the lesson on pronouncing the  G. N usually has the sound of the n in nice. If it is followed by a b, v, f or p, it has the sound of m in empathy. Examples: no, en, en vez de, andar. Learn more in our lesson on the  N. X varies in sound, depending on the origin of the word. It is often pronounced like the x in example or exit, but it also may be pronounced like the s or the Spanish j. In words of Mayan origin it can even have the English sh sound. Examples: à ©xito, experiencia, Mà ©xico, Xela. See also our explanation of the Spanish  X. Consonants That Markedly Differ from English B and V are pronounced exactly the same. In fact, one of the few spelling problems that many Spanish speakers have is with these two letters, because they dont distinguish them at all from their sound. Generally, the b and v are pronounced like the b in beach. When either of the letters is between two vowels, the sound is formed kind of like the English v, except that the sound is made by touching the lips together instead of the upper teeth and lower lip. See our lesson on pronouncing the B and V for more details and a brief audio lesson. H is always silent. Examples: hermano, hacer, deshacer. See also the lesson on the silent H. J (and the g when before an e or i) can be difficult, as its sound, that of the German ch, is absent in English except for a few foreign words where it is sometimes retained, as in the final sound of loch or the initial sound of Channukah. The sound is sometimes described as a heavily aspirated h, made by expelling air between the back of the tongue and the soft palate. If you cant pronounce it well, youll be understood by using the h sound of house, but its worthwhile to work on the correct pronunciation. Examples: garaje, juego, jardà ­n. See the lesson on pronouncing the J. L is always pronounced like the first l in little, never like the second one. Examples: los, helado, pastel. See the lesson on pronouncing the L. LL (once considered a separate letter) is usually pronounced like the y in yellow. There are some regional variations, however. In parts of Spain it has the sound of the ll in million, and in parts of Argentina it has the zh sound of azure. Examples: llama, calle, Hermosillo. See the lesson on pronouncing the LL. Ñ is pronounced like the ny in canyon. Examples: à ±oà ±o, caà ±Ãƒ ³n, campaà ±a. See the lesson on pronouncing the Ñ. R and RR are formed by a flap of the tongue against the roof of the mouth, or a trill. See the R and RR how to guides for these letters. Z generally sounds like the s in simple. In Spain it is often pronounced like the th in thin. Examples: zeta, zorro, vez. See our lesson on pronouncing the C and Z.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

How to Understand a Stem and Leaf Plot Diagram

Data can be shown in a variety of ways including graphs, charts, and tables. A stem-and-leaf plot is a type of graph that is similar to a histogram but shows more information by summarizing the shape of a set of data (the distribution) and providing extra detail regarding individual values. This data is arranged by  place value where the digits in the largest place are referred to as the stem, while the digits in the smallest value or values are referred to as the leaf or leaves, which are displayed to the right of the stem on the diagram. Stem-and-leaf plots are great organizers for large amounts of information. However, it is also helpful to have an understanding of the  mean, median, and mode  of data sets in general, so be sure to review these concepts prior to beginning work with stem-and-leaf plots.   Using Stem-and-Leaf  Plot Diagrams Stem-and-leaf plot graphs are usually used when there are large amounts of numbers to analyze. Some examples of common uses of these graphs are to track a series of scores on sports teams, a series of temperatures or rainfall over a period of time, or a series of classroom test scores. Check out this example of test scores: Test Scores Out of 100 Stem Leaf 9 2 2 6 8 8 3 5 7 2 4 6 8 8 9 6 1 4 4 7 8 5 0 0 2 8 8 The Stem shows the tens column and the leaf. At a glance, you can see that four students got a mark in the 90s on their test out of 100. Two students received the same mark of 92, and no students received marks that fell below 50  or reached 100. When you count the total number of leaves, you know how many students took the test. Stem-and-leaf  plots provide an at-a-glance tool for specific information in large sets of data. Otherwise, you would have a long list of marks to sift through and analyze. You can use this form of data analysis to find medians, determine totals, and define the modes of data sets, providing valuable insight into trends and patterns in large data sets. In this instance, a teacher would need to ensure that the 16 students who scored below 80 truly understood the concepts on the test. Because 10 of those students failed the test, which accounts for almost half of the class of 22 students, the teacher might need to try a different method that the failing group of students could understand. Using Stem-and-Leaf Graphs for Multiple Sets of Data To compare two sets of data, you can use a back-to-back stem-and-leaf  plot. For instance, if you want to compare the scores of two sports teams, you can use the following stem-and-leaf plot:   Scores Leaf Stem Leaf Tigers Sharks 0 3 7 9 3 2 2 2 8 4 3 5 5 1 3 9 7 5 4 6 8 8 9 The tens column is now in the middle column, and the ones column is to the right and left of the stem column. You can see that the Sharks had more games with a higher score than the Tigers because the Sharks only had two games with a score  of 32, while the Tigers had four games—a 30, 33, 37 and a 39. You can also see that the Sharks and the Tigers tied for the  highest score:  a 59. Sports fans often use these stem-and-leaf  graphs to represent their teams scores to compare success. Sometimes, when the record for wins is tied within a football league, the higher-ranked team will be determined by examining data sets that are more easily observable, including the median and mean of the two teams scores. Practice Using Stem-and-Leaf  Plots Try your own stem-and-leaf  plot with the following temperatures for June. Then, determine the median for the temperatures: 77 80 82 68 65 59 6157 50 62 61 70 69 6467 70 62 65 65 73 7687 80 82 83 79 79 7180 77 Once youve sorted the data by value and grouped them by the tens digit, put them into a graph called Temperatures. Label the left column (the stem) as Tens and the right column as Ones, then fill in the corresponding temperatures as they occur above. How to Solve to Practice Problem Now that youve had a chance to try this problem on your own, read on to see an example of the correct way to format this data set as a stem-and-leaf  plot graph. Temperatures Tens Ones 5 0 7 9 6 1 1 2 2 4 5 5 5 7 8 9 7 0 0 1 3 6 7 7 9 9 8 0 0 0 2 2 3 7 You should always begin with the lowest number, or in this case  temperature: 50. Since 50 was the lowest temperature of the month, enter a 5 in the tens column and a 0 in the ones column, then observe the data set for the next lowest temperature: 57. As before, write a 7 in the ones column to indicate that one instance of 57  occurred, then proceed to the next-lowest temperature of 59 and write a 9 in the ones column. Find all of the temperatures that were in the 60s, 70s, and 80s and write each temperatures corresponding ones value in the ones column. If youve done it correctly, it should yield a stem-and-leaf  plot graph that looks like the one in this section. To find the median, count all the days in the month, which in the case of June is 30. Divide 30 by two, yielding 15, count either up from the lowest temperature of 50 or down from the highest temperature of 87 until you get to the 15th number in the data set, which in this case is 70. This is your median value in the data set.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

My Christmas Day Free Essays

string(122) " This sentence sort of came out of the blue and you didn’t mention before who Brian was or continued talking about him\." Alaysha Green Mr. Raymond Villegas ENG 1010 Jan. 31, 2011 FYI: When you are writing papers, make sure everything is evenly spaced. We will write a custom essay sample on My Christmas Day or any similar topic only for you Order Now There should only be a double space between the information and the title My Christmas Day Of 2010 As I woke up with the sun’s rays in my eyes, I hit my phone alarm clock, which since it was ringing at 10 a. m. As I walked (the way you wrote this makes it a fragmented sentence. If you add a subject and change the verb it is not fragmented) down the beige hallway, into the ocean theme bathroom. I turned on the bathroom light, and turned then the water on to wash my face. When you have the same action in the same sentence to different objects you can eliminate the second verb so it doesn’t sound so repetitive After washing my face with warm and soapy water, I took my blue face towel to dry my face off. Good, great description Finished with my face, I realized that it was Christmas morning. This is a great revelation here. I was thinking it was a typical day so I’m glad you held off saying it was Christmas till later in your paragraph. It gives that feel that we (audience) are walking up with you and when we come to our senses we realize it’s Christmas. Good job. I walked down the hallway further to my son, Tydarrius’, Cars theme room filled with a car theme. Standing next to his bed, and waking him up, he jumped out of bed, and said â€Å"Yay! It’s Christmas†. He ran to the Christmas tree to turn on the bright and shining lights. He was amazed and dazzled with all the presents in the front of him. His eyes glistened and sparkled as he took the paper off the presents. Good paragraph. There were a few ways of writing some of the sentences you wrote but otherwise it was good Scuffing off to the freshly white painted living room to watch him, open his gifts, I told him. â€Å"I hope you like your gifts, baby†. When I read your draft in lab, it needed some work. Now I like the revisions that you have made to your draft. I can see a vast improvement When he got through with gift wrappings, we threw all of the wrappings in our black gallon size trash can. Sometime later, my mom and dad came over to the house. Tydarrius opened the big red front door with double locks on it for from (is from what you are trying to say here? ) them. Tydarrius and I hugged them and said â€Å"Merry Christmas†. As they walked in the door, they pulled out two gifts with snowman wrapping. Tydarrius ran to the gifts with great excitement and with speed. Tydarrius ripped open the presents. The first present he opened was a yellow and black motorcycle with driver. His second gift was a v-tech reader book called â€Å"What That Noise†. As he played with his toys, I wandered off from the family room directly into the my apple themed kitchen. I turned on the kitchen lights and started to cook on the white gas stove, cooking breakfast for my son and me. The aroma filled the air with the smell of scrambled eggs, crispy turkey bacon, and buttery grits with cheese. Good I laid his food on the Thomas and Friends plate ware which sits in dining room. I called him to the red oak square dining room table. He ate his food with the speed of lightening. Great paragraph The time was 12:00 p. m. , when we decided to go to my Aunt Shirley’s house for a visit. The sun still shined bright as we walked outside into the cold and crisp air to get into the light blue Nissan pathfinder. As we drove, I saw a lot of people smiling, laughing, and playing with their families. Kids were playing with their Christmas toys too. As the car stopped, we arrived in front of my aunt’s house. My father parked the truck in front of white picket fence of my aunt’s house. My aunt’s house is a brick house with wild flowers growing in and out the front and back yard. It’s surrounded by a bright, white, picket fence with an open and closed gate door to enter in. We arrived at her house at 12:45 p. m. As we walked in her house, she said, â€Å"Merry Christmas to you. † She offered us to sit down on the black leather sofa, in her Jungle themed living room. This is a great paragraph. Notice I didn’t have to make any corrections. In this paragraph. Everything flowed nicely. The house was filled with the aroma of delicious and tasteful foods like The food she cooked included fried chicken, honey baked ham, fried turkey, barbecue ribs, and fried pork chops. Her sides included were organized in a row and began with rice, collard greens, baked Mac-cheese, squash, green beans, macaroni salad, and pasta salad. Her desserts included There mouth watering deserts such as banana creme pies, pumpkin pies, sweet potato pies, and chocolate cakes. After a long visit at my aunt’s house, it was finally time at eat. We said the Lord’s prayer and ate. When the feast was over, we sat around and sang Christmas songs on the red oak piano in the dinner hall. We sung sang Christmas songs such as Frosty the Snowman, Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer, Silent Night, and Santa Claus is Coming To Town. I don’t think these words have to be underlined because they are not a book. I think they have to be italicized or used with quotation marks. You can check in your resource book Everyone sang all the songs okay, but little Brian from next door sang off key on purpose to get attention from everybody who was singing. This sentence sort of came out of the blue and you didn’t mention before who Brian was or continued talking about him. You read "My Christmas Day" in category "Essay examples" In this situation you have to ask yourself â€Å"What is the importance for having this sentence about Brian in my story. When the singing was over, we walked back into the living room to pursue more entertaining activities. You should begin a new paragraph here since you are no longer singing. Dancing is in the same genre as singing but it is an action entirely different and you switched to another room. Back in the family room we started a dancing contest which included everyone in t he house. We started dancing to old and new hip hop party music. As soon as the music started, my shy and quiet cousin, Jada, was embarrassed about dancing in front of people. I pulled her up off of the black leather sofa. At first she was standing there like a kid who forgot their line in a school play. Good analogy She took a deep breath and danced like a video diva on a BET music video. After dancing, we sat in the den and listened to a Christmas story called, â€Å"It Was the Night Before Christmas†. Everybody sat around my Aunt Shirley, like she was Santa Claus telling the story himself. As she told the story, everyone was as quiet as a mouse. When the story ended, everyone cheered as loud as people that were in a football stadium. Great analogies in this paragraph The time was now 3:00 p. when we decided to play a board game like Sorry and Pictionary. My cousins, Jada and J. D, and I played one game of Sorry together. The game started off with me in 1st place, Jada in 2nd, and J. D in 3rd place. I had 3 pegs on the board. I was red, Jada was blue and had 2 pegs on the board, J. D. was yellow and had 3 pegs on the board. As the game came to an end, I had all my pegs expect one. It was still on the board. My cousin, Jada, had 2 more pegs to get home. My cousin, J. D, had one more to get home. I passed J. D on the game board and won the game. Good. As you write this story it seems to get easier for you to tell it and describe what’s going on. In the beginning of the story your writing seemed forced but now it’s starting to relax. The next game we played was called Pictionary. We split up into two teams. One team included my Aunt Shirley, Cousin Jada, my mother Theresa, Robin, Patricia, and me. We called our team, The Divas. The next team, Ballers, included my father Danny, Alvin, Terrance, Josh, and family friend James. After a long struggle, team Diva won the game with 10 points. Ballers lost with 7 points. Both teams played an excellent game. There is a nice flow to this paragraph. I didn’t take part in Scramble, because I was tired and needed a break. So I sat in a kitchen chair to watch and listen to the Scramble match that was going on. I watched the Scramble match between my cousins, Jada, Terrance, Larry, and family friend James. Larry won the game. Jada came in 2nd place. James in 3rd place. Terrance lost completely, with no points on the board. He was cooler than a cucumber about the loss. Another great analogy After the game playing was over, I walked from the kitchen to the living room. I sat down on the black sofa in the living room with Cousin Jada as she talked about her new boyfriend. She seemed to be very happy and her face was as bright as northern lights in the night sky. As she talked about him to me, Jada described him as tall, dark-skinned, smart, and handsome man with powerful shoulders and muscles. I was very happy for her, but felt a little envy too. This was your strongest paragraph in the essay. Good job. After my long conversation with her, I walked slowly outside next to white picket fence, where my cousin J. D was standing. J. D. began talking about his plans after high school graduation. I stood there with him, because I wanted to listen to his ideas. He turned and asked me, â€Å"What choices do I have†? I replied to him, â€Å"You can get a job, go into military, or continue your education at Virginia College like me†. Then I told him,† I am very proud of you for coming so far†. J. D thanked me for believing in him. I said, â€Å"Remember to keep up the good work†. I walked back into the living room to look at the clock. The time was now 6 p. m. You should begin a new paragraph here My family and I told everybody goodbye. We strolled outside thru the gate and jumped into the blue Nissan Pathfinder truck. My parents took Tydarrius and me back home. They told us goodbye. They jumped back into the truck and left down the black concrete street. As we walked up the seven wooden stairs and into the house, I locked the front door behind us. Then we enjoyed the rest of the evening with each other. I liked your conclusion. I think you could have re-capped the day with your family a bit more. I was having so much fun hearing about the games, singing, dancing, and eating that I forgot your day began with just you and your little boy. A conclusion should include a little of everything you mentioned in your paper. Alaysha Wow! You have come a long way from the 1st draft that I read. There were a lot of editing mistakes and sentence structure mistakes in the beginning of the essay. Please continue to look things up in the reference book (smaller one than your book) to find the answers on correct sentence structure and grammar. In order to be prepared for my job, I have to go back to the resource book often. Rules do change so it’s a never ending battle of study. Also I highlighted some phrases or words in yellow that you use repeatedly. If you describe a room or situation in one way try describing another room in another way. Thank you for your hard work. Your grade is on the next page. 95%= A / -05 points for editing in the beginning of your paper. How to cite My Christmas Day, Essay examples

Monday, May 4, 2020

Different Section of This Report Consist †My

Question: What Is the Different Section of This Report Consist? Answer: Introduction For any organization it is important to design their websites in such a manner that it can easily provide the required information without too much effort [4]. In addition to that, it is also important to develop the site that can provide consistent user experience when viewed over the different devices with variable sizes of screen. Different section of this report consist of discussion about the pitfalls in the design of the website In addition to that, it also consist of several recommendation in order to design the web pages that are more user friendly. The webpages of the selected site does not provide any user friendly interaction due to the lack of different elements on the web page. Identification of issue1 No navigation menu on the pages For a standard and user friendly website it is important to provide a Navbar or a navigational menu on its different pages that helps the user to get back to the home page or any other page of the website. An easy and navigable web site can attract and is able to increase the time of interaction of the user with the different pages of the site. This permits a visitor more opportunity to investigate and interact with the site and find data about the organization [5]. In the event that the visitors or the users reach the site and find that it is hard to explore the required data, they might not get back to the website as the site requires extensive time to search for any information which consequently results into avoidance of the site by the users. As this website does not have any kind of navigational menu in order to help the users to get back to the home page thus, the site makes it hard for the users to get the desired results easily from the different pages. In addition to this, it is fund that there is no search option on the webpage of that may help the users to get the required data. Identification of issue2 Inefficient use of color scheme, typography and page layout One of the most critical visual element of any website is its content, which ought to dependably be clear, effectively lucid, and not bring about any eye strain for its readers i.e. the visitors [3]. Very generally, sites utilize texts that are too bright or too little to be read by the visitors. It is important to pick textual styles that have contrast with its background, or utilize text styles that are unpleasant for reading. When in doubt, the sites ought to abstain from utilizing dark or other dim colors for the site's background. The visitors read can read content in dark colors on white background quicker and simpler than light content on dim background. Different researches have demonstrated that individuals read content with dark colors on a white background website significantly quicker and more effectively than content with other colors on a dark background [6]. White, yellow, and light-colored content is just too bright and glaring to peruse effectively on any kind of screen. While investing the site, we found that the site is using bright blue color as the back ground of the site on which the texts are written in white, red and blue color that causes strain on the readers eyes. In addition to that, the intensity of the colors of the texts clashes with the subtle colors of the used photographic image. This in turn makes the used colors seem dull while compared to the environment. In addition to that, the textual content of the page overlaps with the given photographs that results in decreased readability of the content on the page and it also have adverse impact in the layout of the web page too. Identification of issue3 Slow loading speed of the web pages This website was not served using GZIP encoding. GZIP compression is widely supported and reduces the load time of a web page [4]. This leads to the loss of patience of the users as they do not want to wait too much for the loading of the content on the web page Recommendations After analyzing the design of the website it is found that if the following recommendations are applied to the pages of this website then it can easily become a user friendly website that makes its users comfortable and provides the desired information in fewer steps. Use of navigating bar: The site must provide a navigational menu or navigation bar that provides the users of the site to reach out any page of the web site at any point of time. Proper use of color scheme: Use of dim colors for back ground and bright colors for the content text. This will enable the users to easily read the content and understand the objective of the organization through the web page [2]. In addition to that the web page should use different intense colors in order to attract the users eye on any kind of special information on the site. Use of GZIP encoding: Due to the faulty structure and not using the GZIP encoding the pages of this site takes too much time to load on the browsers. Therefore it is suggested to use the GZIP encoding for the contents of the webpages. Conclusion The good design and consistent layout of the web pages can be very useful to acquire new visitors and retain them while providing the required information in lesser amount of effort. As the technology is changing exponentially every day,visitors try to get everything faster. Thus the features like Navigation bars withconcise and clear categoriesallow users to rapidly and easily access information aboutthe organization or the information they require. References [1]K. Al-Qeisi, C. Dennis, E. Alamanos and C. Jayawardhena, "Website design quality and usage behavior: Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology",Journal of Business Research, vol. 67, no. 11, pp. 2282-2290, 2014. [2]J. Kim, "Web Accessibility-based Website Design and Realization - With focus on T-Cast-Integrated Website",KOREA SCIENCE ART FORUM, vol. 15, p. 167, 2014. [3]Y. AkgL and K. Vatansever, "Web Content Accessibility of Municipal Web Sites in Turkey",Journal of Advances in Information Technology, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 43-48, 2016. [4]P. Lorca, J. de Andrs and A. Martnez, "Does Web accessibility differ among banks?",World Wide Web, vol. 19, no. 3, pp. 351-373, 2015. [5]R. Yu, "Design and Realization of the Personalized Data in Tourism Business Website",Applied Mechanics and Materials, vol. 556-562, pp. 5780-5782, 2014. [6]B. Hu, "Applications of Interaction Design on the Website Interface Design",Advanced Materials Research, vol. 468-471, pp. 378-381, 2012.